Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So this is my first blog. I just went through this my first vlog. Sort of reverse, right? I always have things to say. I have always been apprehensive to put myself out there as transgendered. Hence all these firsts at the ripe old age of *gasp* 26.

That being said; its funny how a definitive and productive course in ones life; can lends itself to greater confidence, and happiness. I don't want to transistion in the shadows, its silly. Its sad how taboo transistion can be in certain circles, but it never really has been with people from my own generation and those younger, at least not in my experience.

So ya, they say that you should not wait to blog tommorow what you can blog today, or something, but I need sleep! BTW this will be a place for blogs, stories and even photos I guess. TTFN!